The Third Smart Step Newsletter is Here! Don’t Miss it!


As a surprise for the beginning of summer we bring you the third newsletter of the Smart Step project! There, you will discover what has happened in the last 6 months and what is coming next. Are you willing to discover it? Continue reading!

What Has Happened in the last 6 months?

  • Training Modules on entrepreneurship

Between month 12 and month 18, the Smart Step partnership has kept busy developing the training modules on entrepreneurship. Check our publication to find out more about the topics.

  • Transnational Meeting & Training in Valencia

We celebrated a Transnational Partners Meeting (TPM), organized in Universitat Politécnica de Valencia in Spain in May 2024. Besides the 2 coordinators from MUNDUS and the 1 from IDEAS-UPV, 11 participants from the partners organizations took part in this 3-day gathering. The newsletter gives details about the work done there.

What Is Coming

  • The Smart Step Knowledge Exchange Platform 

The Smart Step Knowledge Exchange Platform and Open Education Resources, a virtual community accessible from the project’s website, has been developed by APODISSI and is going to be launched at the end of this month, June 2024.



Join our social media channels to become part of a vibrant community dedicated to closing the gap between education and the job market.

We appreciate your interest and look forward to continuing this path towards a brighter future with the Smart Step project.

Stay tuned for our next edition!
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